Our 3-5 Year Strategic Plan
It is a privilege to serve our community, and we take this very seriously. For this reason we have prioritized the assessment and evaluation of our overall impact on the community and the creation of actionable steps to improve.
One of the best ways we can improve is to do so collaboratively; we believe it is important to loop our community members, supporters, staff, and leaders into our decision making processes. We do this by being transparent with our past, present, and future actions and actively soliciting feedback on our programs and services. Our new 3-5 year strategic plan is a result of thoughtful input from our board, staff, parents, and families. We are excited to now share this strategic plan with you!
An important part of growing in a sustainable way is to continue checking in with our intention and our mission: to empower local youth to grow and thrive by reducing barriers to outdoor recreation through programs, mentorship, and community building. This new plan includes our updated vision and mission as well as defined program outcomes and a set of values that will guide our day-to-day operations and provide a foundation for our organizational culture.
We have prioritized our new strategic goals as securing resources, building internal capacity, strengthening partnerships, creating evaluation and impact metrics, and investing in our people.
As we work towards the goals and objectives laid out in our new 3-5 year plan, Coombs Outdoors will become a more stable, efficient, and successful organization. We will be able to serve more youth through innovative, inclusive programs that bring us closer to our vision of a community in which youth feel supported, connected, and inspired.
Print copies of Coombs Outdoors' Strategic Plan are available. Please reach out to jenny@coombsoutdoors.org if you would like to receive this document in the mail!